Entrepreneur & founder of Sweden Foodtech

Photo: Norna Kolb

Johan is the founder of Sweden Foodtech and known as “Mr. Foodtech ”. He works to radically increase the amount of innovation in the entire food system. And to redefine how we think about food. Food is not just what is on the plate but all the effects the food has on us and our planet.


Why do we need to transform the food system?​

“We want to survive, right? Today’s food system is a relic from an industrial age when we believed that nature could be tamed and made to produce what we could do most efficiently industrially, i.e. the twelve plants and five animals that account for 75% of the planet’s calories. But instead made both the planet and all of us who live on it acutely ill. It’s time to start over and start from all the amazing things we can actually produce and eat without bringing anything bad with it. And all the enjoyment we can get from the food – we have not even taken an ant step on the way to the food system we could have. When I sit at home in a few decades, I want to look back and state that we managed to change the planet’s largest system in our lifetime, because we do not see it, well, then something else and much more miserable has happened.”

Johan's Good Food Selections

Photo: Norna Kolb

Johan Jörgensen